Transportation Master Plan

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Woman and child on tricycle.

Round 2 of the Cumberland Transportation Master Plan survey is now closed. We are currently compiling all of the feedback and will report back with the results once this has been completed.

Thank you to all who participated in the September open house and walkshops. Feedback from these events and the round 2 survey will help the Village prioritize key recommendations in the Transportation Master Plan.

For those who have not yet seen the engagement results from the first round of engagement (spring / summer 2023), please check out the Round 1 TMP Engagement Summary Report.

Project Overview

The Village of Cumberland is updating its Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which was identified as one of the priorities in the 2020-2023 Strategic Priorities document. The Village’s current Roads Master Plan has not been updated since 2007 and Cumberland has seen significant growth over this time. Since 2007, the community has witnessed significant growth.

Further, transportation trends and best practices have evolved over the last 16 years and the Village has an opportunity to make its transportation network more inclusive and accessible to all users, and more sustainable to meet its climate action commitments outlined in the 2014 Official Community Plan.

The Transportation Master Plan will encompass all forms of mobility including walking, rolling, cycling and transit and all transportation-related infrastructure, including roads, sidewalks, cycling and multi-use pathways, parking spaces, and bus stops.

Round 2 of the Cumberland Transportation Master Plan survey is now closed. We are currently compiling all of the feedback and will report back with the results once this has been completed.

Thank you to all who participated in the September open house and walkshops. Feedback from these events and the round 2 survey will help the Village prioritize key recommendations in the Transportation Master Plan.

For those who have not yet seen the engagement results from the first round of engagement (spring / summer 2023), please check out the Round 1 TMP Engagement Summary Report.

Project Overview

The Village of Cumberland is updating its Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which was identified as one of the priorities in the 2020-2023 Strategic Priorities document. The Village’s current Roads Master Plan has not been updated since 2007 and Cumberland has seen significant growth over this time. Since 2007, the community has witnessed significant growth.

Further, transportation trends and best practices have evolved over the last 16 years and the Village has an opportunity to make its transportation network more inclusive and accessible to all users, and more sustainable to meet its climate action commitments outlined in the 2014 Official Community Plan.

The Transportation Master Plan will encompass all forms of mobility including walking, rolling, cycling and transit and all transportation-related infrastructure, including roads, sidewalks, cycling and multi-use pathways, parking spaces, and bus stops.

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Opportunities for Pedestrian and Accessibility Improvements

about 1 year

We want to know where there are opportunities for pedestrian and accessibility improvements in Cumberland!

Please use the map to identify areas for improvement that you experience while walking or rolling around Cumberland. We kindly ask you to include a brief comment about the location you identified and if possible a photo. There is no limit on the number of locations you can identify. 

Click on the Add Pin (+) button in the menu to provide feedback on the following: 

  • Where would you like to see a pedestrian facility / sidewalk? 
  • Where does an existing pedestrian facility / sidewalk need to be upgraded?
  • Where is there an accessibility barrier that needs attention? 
CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 30 Jan 2024, 12:02 PM